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Confidence Man

Confidence Man are the ultimate disruptors in pop music today, so sculpting the visual environment for their 2024 campaign was an immense privilege.
See how we partnered with the incredible artists to create a new campaign of visual art.

“I don’t even
know if we’re
joking any more”

Janet Planet, Confidence Man

Sculpting the
visual language

The groups’ anarchic and theatrical live performances needed to be matched with an identity that represented their bombastic individuality – a show that could somehow straddle being intensely serious and dangerously tongue in cheek simultaneously.
The visuals are a study in (mostly) controlled chaos; a complex layering of sometimes violently disparate elements and textures over time that feels homogenous yet inherently unpredictable in nature.



Creating the

Taking their new album artwork as an original input source, we recreated these assets in a 3D world using Unreal Engine where different scenes could be explored using the same methodology that is regularly applied to video games. This background environment was then populated with a menagerie of 2D and 3D elements that oscillate and interact with each other, expanding and contracting in waves.